We have prepared a wet plate collodion workshop in the north of Italy on May 25th and 26th. It will be taught by Joaquín Paredes in english.
(You can book the workshop in the following link: wet plate collodion workshop)
The workshop will take plate at Villa Sommi. A beautiful palace and Gardens from the XVIII century near Milan (Italy) where we will be staying during the weekend. The students will be welcomed on Friday evening (May 24th) and will stay in the Villa Friday and Saturday night (accommodation and food for two days is included in the price of the workshop)
Via Sommi Picenardi, 8, 23887 Olgiate Molgora LC, Italia: Location Villa Sommi

This is a two-day workshop. You will learn all the necessary skills to start working with the wet plate collodion process. After the workshop, the students will be able to make plates on their own and will be confident enough to solve most of the problems they will encounter on their wet plate journey.
We never teach one-day collodion workshops. There is no time to cover enough information to get started in a process like this. You don’t need any previous knowledge about large format photography or darkroom skills. It is always helpful if the student has used large format cameras before, but will start from scratch during the workshop.

The students (10 max) will work in pairs and they will have a complete lab set available for each group.
- During the first morning, we will learn the function of every chemical used in the process. We will learn how to handle and store safely all of them and we will prepare all the solutions for the workshop. If there is enough time, we will make the first demonstration of the process.
- In the afternoon, if we didn’t finish mixing the chemicals, we will do that first thing after lunch. Then, we will start shooting plates. Any doubt will be solved and mistakes will be corrected as we are making plates. Usually, throughout the workshop, each student will make three or four 4×5″ plates on glass and aluminum and one 8×10″ (20x25cm) plate.
The price of the workshop including all the necessary materials and accomodation for two days (Friday and Saturday night) is 500€. You can book it following the link: Wet plate collodion workshop
If you have any questions you can contact us at: alxwrk@yahoo.com / ilgranaio8@gmail.com / jparepir@gmail.com
A video of one of the workshops we had in Merida (Spain):
Cancellation conditions:
- Cancellations with less than 20 days from the date of the workshop, 50% of the workshop fee will be refunded.
- Cancellations with less than 7 days from the date of the workshop will not be refunded.